Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 578 (“District”) is implementing their Drought Contingency Plan for MANDATORY Water Conservation. State law requires that the District implement its Drought Plan when certain triggering conditions have been met. Due to the current weather conditions we are experiencing in our area the District has met such criteria. The District is now requesting all of its customers to participate in the District’s mandatory water conservation efforts.
The District is implementing Stage 4 of the Drought Contingency Plan effective August 22, 2023. The District requests that all water consumers restrict any “non-essential”water use.
Non- essential water use. Water uses that are not essential for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare, including: Landscape irrigation, use of water to wash down sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, or other hard surfaces. The use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike travel trailer, boat, or trailer. Flushing gutters fill or refill of add water to any pool or jacuzzi- type pools or use of hydrants for construction purpose or any other purpose other than fighting fire.
The only exception is that residents may use a soaker hose for their foundations only during the hours of 5:00am to 10:00am or 6:00pm to 12:00am (midnight)
The following penalties shall apply to anyone violating the terms of the Drought Response Measures.
First Violation. If any person or entity violates any provision of this plan ( which violation shall constitute an unauthorized use of District services and or facilities), then the Board of Directors after providing any legally notice, may impose a penalty up to $500.00 for the first violation.
All Subsequent Violation. If any person or entity violates any provision of this plan more than one time ( which violation shall constitute an unauthorized use of District services and or facilities), the District shall have the right to terminate water service and impose a penalty up to $10,000.00 to such person or entity after notice and any other requirements in the District’s rate order are satisfied. Each day that a breach of any provision of this plan continues is considered a separate violation.
The Board appreciates any assistance its customers can give about locating leaks or line breaks.
Please contact the District’s operator at 281-324-9803 if you see standing or flowing water. This could indicate a water leak that needs to be repaired as soon as possible.
Please log on to the District’s website to sign up for text, and email alerts for up-to-date information at
Thank you for your cooperation.